Effect of Video vs. Lecture/Demonstration in Improving Nursing Interns’ Knowledge and Skills Regarding External Ventricular Drain (EVD): A Quasi-Experimental Study


  • Fadi Shehadeh Nursing Education & Practice Improvement Administration, King Fahd Medical City, Saudi Arabia
  • Diana Lalithabai Nursing Education & Practice Improvement Administration, King Fahd Medical City, Saudi Arabia
  • Khalid AlGhamdi Nursing Affairs, Riyadh Second Health Cluster & King Fahd Medical City, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdulla Rababah Medical Center/ECU Health Greenville, NC, USA
  • Mohammed AlShahrani Nursing Training & Development, Riyadh Second Health Cluster & King Fahd Medical City, Riyadh




Clinical Education, Clinical Skill, Educational Video, External Ventricular Drain, Nurse Interns, Teaching



Healthcare settings ought to consider creative strategies with regard to training nurses in clinical competencies, including trainee nurses and new nurses with limited resources. This study aimed to develop a high-quality educational video to gauge the effect of video instruction versus lecture demonstration in improving the skills and knowledge of nurse interns on the subject of external ventricular drain.


The study used a quasi-experimental post-test design and took place from June 2019 until May 2020. The 80 participants, all nurse interns, were randomly assigned to one of two teaching methods (video instruction or lecture demonstration). The data were gathered using a questionnaire prepared by the researchers.


The mean score of the lecture group was 68.2 +/-21.1, and in the video group, 78.5 +/-21.6. This means that the video group outperformed the lecture group in terms of skill (p=0.034). The findings showed no statistically significant difference in the groups’ overall knowledge and competence ratings.


Video is a sound educational strategy, and the clinical education system can support the use of videos as a complementary method to teach clinical skills.


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How to Cite

Shehadeh, F. ., Lalithabai, D. . ., AlGhamdi, K. . ., Rababah, A. . . ., & AlShahrani, M. . (2024). Effect of Video vs. Lecture/Demonstration in Improving Nursing Interns’ Knowledge and Skills Regarding External Ventricular Drain (EVD): A Quasi-Experimental Study. The Journal of Medicine, Law & Public Health, 5(1), 527–537. https://doi.org/10.52609/jmlph.v4i4.139



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